Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Battery Reconditioning

Reconditioning old batteries and reviving batteries which appear to be dead is not a major qoute once you know how. To learn how to recondition batteries requires diminutive outlay with many experts on the net giving the low-down for well under forty bucks.

Once you have learned the methods (there are one or two, depending on the type of battery) the costs per battery are highly low and the effort involved to recondition an old battery very low indeed. If you learn how to recondition a battery, you may even find it to be a profitable business venture on a small or larger scale. Handy resources will be referred to later in the article.

Gel Battery Chargers

Although it isn't hard to recondition or revive a battery, excellence in whatever should never be underestimated. To learn how to fix a battery to its traditional state, it is crucial to understand the following.

Battery Reconditioning

Simple techniques to revive a thoroughly dead battery back to 100% of its traditional payment capacity (full power) are facilely available. It's absolutely not that difficult. Keep in mind that rechargeable batteries enable users to forget about power cables which hinder manipulation of power tools, for example and restrict movement of any gadget to distance of the cable from a power source.

Think about how many devices requiring electricity for power are transportable nowadays. Okay, the type of battery may vary - be it for a fork-lift, a cell phone, a golf cart, power tools or iPods, to mention just a few - but for each type of battery there are quick and easy ways to revive them. I would stress again that the methods are cost sufficient either for purely personal use or for a business.

To learn how to recondition automotive batteries, bike batteries, nautical batteries and motorized wheelchairs batteries is of great interest for people in all countries. In the States these batteries are high-priced for any user and there will be an ever addition shop for reconditioned batteries when the cost of a new one is looked at. Conversely, there exists an ever addition shop in third-world countries where the price of a new battery is also prohibitive.

It is important to take on board that the unhealthy (if not dead) condition of a battery can be due to its charger which oftentimes malfunctions. But, much more frequently, it is the battery which is murdering the charger. So it is unfortunately common to find people replacing a perfectly good charger, in the confidence that the charger is the problem, only to find it destroyed by the real culprit - the battery. Once a battery's 'natural' lifespan has been exhausted it must be properly reconditioned in order for it not to be a threat to tool and chargers.

It is also requisite to know how to accurately part the payment capacity of the battery in question. Of procedure this varies, but once you know absolutely how much energy a battery can store at a given time, you can begin to assess the revision you have made to its performance.

The point of knowing how to revert a reversed cell cannot be overstated. It is one of the first things to rate about a dead battery. You won't be able to do whatever with it until you have fixed the reversed cell.

One of the best things to understand is exactly why it is that a battery needs reconditioning. A new battery develops a memory supervene but, guess what, reconditioning a battery properly should dispel this supervene completely. Now that is some feat and means it is possible to continually rejuvenate speculate batteries.

Battery reconditioning requires just a diminutive knowledge and a few cheap tools. It is simply great to use around one's own home and for house and friends. It can even turn into a nice diminutive business. Try this battery reconditioning blog for more details: TechnoBlog

Battery Reconditioning

Power Wheelchair Batteries - insight How the Battery Works

If you use a power wheelchair, insight how the batteries work is important. Since power wheelchair batteries need to be supplanted periodically, insight the battery will help you greatly in selecting the precise battery for your chair when it needs to be replaced. Your wheelchair battery plays a huge role in how your power wheelchair performs.

There are 3 main characteristics of power wheelchair batteries: capacity, current rating, and type of cell.

Gel Battery Chargers

Capacity is expressed in ampere-hours (Ah) and determines how long a battery can function. The capacity of a typical deep-cycle lead-acid battery ranges from 30 to 90 ampere-hours corresponding to 3 to 9 hours of continuous use of an galvanic wheelchair that runs on 10 amperes. Few citizen use their wheelchair continuously.

Power Wheelchair Batteries - insight How the Battery Works

Current is expressed in amperes (A) and refers to the rate of electron flow. The larger the current rating, the greater the quality of the power chair to tour over rough terrain and obstacles.

Type of cell refers to either the power wheelchair battery is a wet-cell lead-acid battery or a gel-cell lead-acid battery, which are the main types of wheelchair batteries available. While both may be used in a power wheelchair, manufacturers usually propose gel-cell batteries because of maintenance and environmental concerns with wet-cell batteries.

Despite these concerns, wet-cell batteries usually have a larger capacity, can furnish more power, and usually cost less than gel-cell. For these reasons, they are still the battery of selection for many users. Wet-cell batteries are available in vented and sealed versions:

  • Vented wet-cell batteries must be usually maintained by adding water to the battery on a quarterly basis, since the water tends to evaporate over time. This can be challenging, as the man doing the maintenance is exposed to acidic materials every time the battery case is opened to add the water: chemical burns can in fact occur, and chemical spills can also corrode the wheelchair.
  • Sealed wet-cell batteries are a fulfilled, system, so one does not have to mouth the water level. Still, the inherent exists for a chemical spill, due to boiling, or a damaged battery case.

Because both of types of wet-cell batteries have chemicals, neither are allowed on aircraft.

Gel-cell lead-acid batteries were advanced to be maintenance free with no opening of chemical spills, and so are able to be in fact transported on airplanes. The main disadvantage of gel-cell batteries is that they typically have about 10-20% less capacity than wet batteries, and are more expensive. Still, unless the user usually travels long distances, they are likely to be the first selection for most power wheelchair users.

When purchasing new power wheelchair batteries, consideration must also be given to the battery charger, to make definite that you have the precise charger for the type of battery. Using the wrong battery charger can cause permanent damage to the battery. Since a wheelchair battery is a "deep cycle" battery, it is meant to drain nearly completely, and then be recharged. Most batteries can be recharged up to 300 times before losing the capacity to hold power.

Basic insight of your power wheelchair batteries will help you in purchasing your next transfer battery, thereby insuring that your wheelchair is all the time operating at it's best.

Power Wheelchair Batteries - insight How the Battery Works